How sweet pictures in your blog you have, yet i do not know what this language expresses, i feel that you have very fascinating job here, very pleasant sense you have, as i guess knitting is to be ye hobby, if am not 2 wrong??
Good luck!
P.S. i saw ye blog in a friend's blog, then am here! n i just feel to say these pictures with that baby all are really nice n beautiful:)
Hi,thank you for such nice words.Yes,knitting is my hobby. It seems to me more every day that I must probably write my blog texts in 2 languages-estonian and english.What do you think about that?
2 kommentaari:
Good wishes,
How sweet pictures in your blog you have, yet i do not know what this language expresses, i feel that you have very fascinating job here, very pleasant sense you have, as i guess knitting is to be ye hobby, if am not 2 wrong??
Good luck!
P.S. i saw ye blog in a friend's blog, then am here! n i just feel to say these pictures with that baby all are really nice n beautiful:)
Hi,thank you for such nice words.Yes,knitting is my hobby.
It seems to me more every day that I must probably write my blog texts in 2 languages-estonian and english.What do you think about that?
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